Saturday, September 08, 2001


I forgot one of the main points of telling that I had a dream about the Rheostatics. Cause when I woke up and checked my email, I had an email from them saying that they had a new album coming out! [insert Bernard Herrmann music here.] Kinda creepy, huh? Kinda?

Steph did a lot of research on her post.

The word link reminds me of sausage...

I've had dreams where I wake up getting ready for school or whatever, then I have to wake up and do it again... then again, because I've only dreamed that I woke up.

I laughed pretty hard at the LunchBots site a few seconds ago. At the FAQ specifically. But I didn't ROTFL, because people don't really do that when they say they do. They don't really roll on the floor laughing. They don't ROTFLMAO either. They might ocassionally LOL, but I wish that they'd only write "LOL" when they're really LOLing... otherwise, you're abusing the power of the letters.

The last time I really ROTFL was when I saw Tom Green sing "Piggy Hill" for the first time. But I wasn't on the internet at the time, so I didn't have the opportunity to type in what I was doing. It might have been hard with all that rolling anyway.

I, like Jason, am usually not this talkative either. When Jason and I roomed together in college, we didn't need to talk since we liked the same TV shows. No one ever had to say, "I don't like this show. Could you please turn the channel?" Once I said "This is funny," but Jason told me "Shhhh." And then I got up in his bidness and said, "You got a problem with me, you say it to my face!" Then he kicked me squah in the nuts, which hurt, but I didn't let on... until he said, "That didn't hurt? Maybe you need to grow a pair." So I said, "I won't talk. I know Ernie's having girl troubles," and he thought that was funny, so all was well expect my nuts... which are hurting to this day.

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