Sunday, February 03, 2002

A Few Things

The LunchBots selector was messed up for a while recently (don't know how long), and was displaying some weird(-er than normal) questions, in case anyone was wondering. The notice they've added to the page about taking the "3" out of the URL doesn't work (at least not yet), but I've gone and fixed the questions back... unless they've gotten messed up again since, that is.

I have the stressful being-back-in-the-drum-line-and-not-being-ready-for-the-show dream every now and then, too myself. Like most of my dreams, it usually ends when I begin questioning the logic of the dream world--like why I'm in my 20's and taking college classes, but playing in a high school band.

Top 5 Cowboy Bebop soundtrack songs I've been listening to a lot lately:
1. Gotta Knock a Little Harder
2. See You Space Cowboy
3. Is It Real?
4. Rain
5. No Reply

Certain recent events have forced me to think about a lot of things about myself, and try to make some changes for the better. I've always been big on self-control, and while I think it's a good thing that keeps lots of bad stuff from happening, maybe I've been a little too self-controlling. Maybe I'd actually get the things I want out of life a little more often if I listened to my feelings and acted on them more often. I could at least stand to be a more active participant in conversations with people. That's just what I'm thinking.

Seeing as how the BlogBot's supposed to be for non-depressing stuff, I'll just leave it at that, and I'll probably be here a lot less often until such time as I feel more up to full Bloggificating fun again. Rusty, it's been fun. Steph, try to help Rusty keep the Robot running and powered up with Blogs in my absence, 'cause you've always got interesting stuff to say. As that great actor once said... "I'll be back."

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