Sunday, November 18, 2001

Dream Weaver

The show went nice. I'm sorry everyone in the world is sick.

I had a dream the other night that I was watching Mulholland Drive, only it wasn't really the movie, only it was a series of images that bothered me in some way, not necessarily in a bad way. One of them was a man whose face I think I saw on The Human Face special on TLC, which was deformed so much that he had three lumps of skin hanging below his eyes. He also somewhat resembled a mask I've seen in a movie, maybe from Amadeus or Eyes Wide Shut. He had on a crown or something. I keep having that stuck in my head.

I also dreamed about the end of the world last night, and it wasn't so bad. Everything was in perspective finally.

I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I teach Monday morning and Tuesday morning, and the rest of my time is off. Liza and I want to play poker. I have three weeks of class left and finals week.

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