Wednesday, January 16, 2002

I'm Smartest In My Dreams

I made up a new joke in my dream the other morning before I woke up. It was:

"What did the southerner say to his father when his father lost his teeth? Dad, gum it."

Or "dadgummit," not sure the funniest/best way to spell it. It's a joke to be told more than seen, I guess. Similar to the one I made up once (though not in my dreams):

"What's the most literary of all the chicken dishes? The pullet surprise."

The most famous thing I made up in my dreams was the game Pickle, which now exists as a computer game, though it's also a board game. One day Noby will polish off the computer version and everyone can have a nice copy.

The not-so-famous thing I made up was an idea for a gameshow in which only Shakespeare questions are asked, and it's called Outrageous Fortune.


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